Thursday 5 November 2015

Background to Psalms 2

Psalms as the prayer book of the bible.
If we see the psalms as the prayer book of the bible then the questions we ask of the Psalms shifts:
"Our usual approach to God's Word is to ask, What is God saying to me? That is almost always the correct question when reading Scripture. But in the Psalms the question is,
How do I answer the God who speaks to me?

In the Psalms we do not primarily learn what God says to us, but how to honestly, devoutly and faithfully answer his words to us. In the course of acquiring language we learn how to answer our parents, our teachers, our employers and our friends, but we do not get very much practice in answering God. The Psalms train us in answering God. And so we bring a somewhat different mindset to the Psalms than we do to the rest of Scripture—we are learning to pray, not study, although the two activities will always be interconnected."

Psalms 2 can be seen as a prayer said when we feel intimidated. See here for a guide.

Think about how you talk to God. Let psalm 2 inform your prayers.

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