Thursday 5 November 2015

Background To Psalms 1

Thinking about Psalms as poetry.

To fully appreciate poetry, TSCFers often use the inductive method to help unpack the structure and go beyond the surface meaning of the text. In this video, Gillian, exTSCF staff Auckland highlights the poetic features of Psalm 1 that influences the meaning of the Psalm.

Try it out on your own. If you are interested in the linguistic features of Psalms please click here (pg 60, 16-19) from Unlocking the Psalms by Rick Griffith.

For a video on the poetic elements by Brent Shawn

Linguistic Feature

Antithetical parallelism: the words of the first line are affirmed in the second, not by repetition, but by contrast:
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish (Ps. 1:6; cf. 40:4).

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