Friday 6 November 2015

Background to Psalms 62

Contentment: When Your Soul Is at Rest
Learn to find serenity, regardless of the circumstances on your own.
Psalm 62 offers ways to find inner rest despite our outer circumstances. The secret of contentment is looking to God rather than your circumstances to give you fulfilment and peace. 

As a group: Standing at attention. Pause. Stop and listen. Underlining what has just been spoken. 
In the psalms, “selah” is a break between different parts of the psalm. While its meaning is unclear, it could come from the Hebrew root “salah” which means “to hang” or “to weigh”. In the context of our hearing of the Word, it means the space we allow for the Word to study us! We use selah to mean 10-15 minutes of standing in God’s presence, embracing his Word, and allowing his Word to scrutinize our living. 
Every time we have East Asia student conferences, we intentionally begin our day with selah. We remember the key phrases spoken (either in silence or as a spiritual director holds up these phrases). With these phrases in mind, we linger in God’s presence –creating space for God to impress his Word upon us and for us to weigh our response to him. Sometimes, a soul-searching question is added to this time of selah.

Amazing how silence and solitude begin to do their work! It is moving to see how the Holy Spirit stirs our hearts with the Word just heard and calls forth a response. The students find that this pause calls their attention to what God is doing in their lives – something which easily gets lost in the busyness of their daily lives.--taken from Scripture Engagement IFES
Lecrae, a modern-day psalmist, pauses in the midst of images of destruction to remember the God of Psalm 62.

Next time you see Selah in a psalm...intentionally pause.

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