Thursday 5 November 2015

Background to Psalms 51

How honest are you with God about your sins? Psalm 51 shows you how to pray to get to the truth about yourself and to find out how God will deal with you.

Psalm 51, when David confessed and repented of his lustful and deceitful sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11 and 12).

In traditional churches, Psalms has been included in the church calendar. This psalm is meditated on during the season of Lent, a time of self denial, repentance and reflection before Easter. Click here for a list of other psalms used during Lent and a meditative video on psalm 51.

The need to return to God after recognising the depth of our consequences in our choice to sin is not often talked about in conversation but Psalms 51 has sermon material that be found online. If you are interested in listening to some sermons on this psalm while doing chores etc. Here are some:
A clean heart for castaways(Gateway church)
Story Arc and Transformation(Biola University)
How to be crushed by guilt well(John Piper)
Psalms 51(David Pawson)
As you listen, consider whether the sermons are true to the context of psalm 51.

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