Thursday 5 November 2015

Background to Psalms 50

InterVarsity Press produces material for Quiet Time Bible Study. You might like to try their study on Psalms 50 today. Click here for studies on other psalms.

Psalm 50: Offering Thanks

"How are you?" we ask, and the response generally comes back, "Fine." Often we follow that with the question "Been busy?" and the answer is invariably yes. We live in a culture of busyness, and sometimes that overlaps into our Christian lives. We can become so busy working for God, doing good deeds that we don't have time to offer him our praise and thanksgiving. This psalm helps us get our focus back to the fact that we are created to worship God.

Warming Up to God

When have you gotten caught up in the things you do for God to the extent that you neglected worshiping him?

Discovering the Word

  • How is God described in verses 1-6?
  • God does not say that sacrifices are wrong (v. 8), but what does he want the people to understand about their offerings to him (vv. 9-15)?
  • How does the tone of verses 16-22 change?
  • What evil deeds have the wicked done (vv. 16-22)?
  • How would "thank offerings" help them to understand salvation (vv. 14-15, 23)?

Applying the Word

  • What would a "thank offering" to God look like for you?
  • God promised that we can call upon him "in the day of trouble" and he will deliver us (v. 15). In what way would you like to call upon God today?

Responding in Prayer

Make your prayers an offering of praise and thanksgiving for God's work in your life.

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