Saturday 7 November 2015

Background to Psalms 97

The Lord is King!
    Tell the earth to celebrate
    and all islands to shout.
Dark clouds surround him,
    and his throne is supported
    by justice and fairness.
Fire leaps from his throne,
    destroying his enemies,
and his lightning is so bright
    that the earth sees it
    and trembles.
Mountains melt away like wax
    in the presence of the Lord
    of all the earth.

The heavens announce,
“The Lord brings justice!”
    Everyone sees God’s glory.
Those who brag about
the useless idols they worship
    are terribly ashamed,
    and all the false gods
    bow down to the Lord.
When the people of Zion
    and of the towns of Judah
    hear that God brings justice,
    they will celebrate.
The Lord rules the whole earth,
    and he is more glorious
    than all the false gods.

Love the Lord
    and hate evil!
God protects his loyal people
    and rescues them
    from violence.
If you obey and do right,
a light will show you the way
    and fill you with happiness.
You are the Lord’s people!
    So celebrate and praise
    the only God.

Obey and do right. 
Consider how you could express psalm 97 creatively to others.
For ideas on tumblr, pinterest and mass text.

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