Thursday 5 November 2015

Background to Psalms 21

Bible scholars believe that David was about 25 years old when he was annoited as King of Israel by Samuel (1 Sam 16:13) but it was another 5 more years before he reigned as King (2 Sam 5:4). Psalms 21 was written by David praising God as the King of Israel. 

Psalm 20 affirmed that " we rise up and stand firm"; now in psalm 21 there is joy, life and glory "in the victories God gives". Thus, the earlier prayer and trust have been answered and the present psalm meditates on the experience. Its opening affirmation that "The king rejoices in your strength" is matched the concluding prayer, "Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength". This past and future reference is reflected respectively in v2-7, looking back on victory, and v8-12 looking forward to victory. In 2-7, prayer has been answered in personal (v3-4), and national blessing(v5) and trust has been vindicated(v7). To conclude, V8-12 speak of a coming divine victory that is total, supernatural, final and irresistible.-- Taken from IVP commentary.

As we reflect on Psalms 21, we praise God for His faithfulness in the past and His grace in our lives in the present, and we also look forward to his promises and hope and trust in his plans for our lives. Post an image that will help remind you to praise God for past, present and future.

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