Saturday 7 November 2015

Background to Psalms 100

Psalm 100 is the only psalm with the title, “A Psalm of Thanksgiving.” The Hebrew word for thanksgiving literally means, confession (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, ed. by R. Laird Harris [Moody Press], 1:365). In this case, it means to confess God’s character and His works. Psalm 100 is the “unclouded summit” (Psalms 73-150, by Derek Kidner [IVP], p. 355) that closes Psalms 93-100, which proclaim God as King. It overflows with the exuberant joy of those who know themselves to be God’s people. Taken from here.
Enjoy the Psalm and give thanks.
Shout praises to the Lord,
    everyone on this earth.
Be joyful and sing
as you come in
    to worship the Lord!
You know the Lord is God!
He created us,
    and we belong to him;
    we are his people,
    the sheep in his pasture.

Be thankful and praise the Lord
    as you enter his temple.
The Lord is good!
    His love and faithfulness
    will last forever.

List all the things you are thankful for and praise God.  On pinterest, people come up with new ideas to list what they are grateful for: a reverse bucket list,  30 days of gratitude, an infographic and a 30-day gratitude photo challenge. How do these compare to Psalm 100?

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